Sorry about not taking and "After made" picture. The Golden Curry brand is pretty much the only Japanese Curry prepackaged sauce mix I can find in town. There are a few flavors/mix's and I grabbed the Medium Hot which isn't that spicy. There is a hotter version. Seeing the word Curry don't get in confused with Indian curry which is a LOT more spicy. This is Japanese curry where you mix the sauce with you choice of meat: beef, chicken, lamb or shrimp it recommends. I usually go with chicken or beef since they are cheaper and also really tasty. Then you add what you want, I go with some green onions, sweet onions, carrots and maybe some celery. You cook all of that in a pan for awhile until slightly brown. You want to make sure you cook your meat right, don't be eating raw chicken. Then you add the water and you open the box and you have this brown looking bar. Break it up and place it in the pan and stir it in. It will melt in and eventually turn into this sauce and cover all your ingredients. Keep stirring until it has completely broken down and you are pretty much ready to go. I serve this with rice. It is great and I think I want to try out the hotter version next.
It is usually $2.50 for the box and that makes the meal for two easily. I got this on sale for $1.50
Want something different then grab a box of this in your "Spicy" preference and make some dinner. Don't disappoint!
Will warn, lots of Sodium if you are going to try to eat the whole serving yourself.